DSLC Services Benefits Counseling / Health Systems
DSLC Benefits Advocates assist consumers with information, explanations, examples, and options as they navigate the often confusing and complex public benefits programs. As a Center for Independent Living, DSLC focuses on Self-Advocacy and Self-Empowerment as we assist consumers to understand these programs and their options.

Some Examples of Public Benefits Programs:
- Initial application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) for SSDI and/or SSI
- Overpayments or reduction in monthly payments for SSDI and/or SSI
- Returning to work on SSDI and/or SSI – This includes Ticket To Work information, SSDI and/or SSI Work Incentives, and Plan To Achieve Self-Support (PASS)
- State of CA State Disability Insurance (SDI) – Basic information on how to apply
- Medi-Cal
- Medicare
- County Medical Services Program (CMSP)
- Unemployment Insurance (UI) - Basic information on how to apply and how system works
- CalFresh & General Assistance (GA) - Basic information on how to apply
- Special Needs Trusts and CalABLE – Basic information
Benefits Advocates do not offer advice or make choices for consumers – consumers make their own choices. In support of the Independent Living Philosophy, DSLC does not provide case management.